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Contact Us

Business hours

Sun-Thu 9:00AM – 6:00PM 

Contact Info


13 The Fourth District, Sheraton Holiopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

sfs-world أفضل وكيل شحن دولي فى مصر

Contact Us

Business hours

Sun-Thu 9:00AM – 5:00PM 

Contact Info


13 The Fourth District Sheraton 
Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

For prices, Leave your shipment details now

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نوع الشحنة _ (طول * عرض * ارتفاع) _ وزن الشحنة _ من دولة .... إلى دولة ......

For prices, Leave your shipment details now

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نوع الشحنة _ (طول * عرض * ارتفاع) _ وزن الشحنة _ من دولة .... إلى دولة ......

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13 The Fourth District Sheraton 
Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

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13 The Fourth District Sheraton 
Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
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